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We are collecting your feedback to build the better website. Here is where you can give your thought on how can improve Kpop Explorer. We appreciate your feedback. Thanks for your contribution~


  1. Hello! first, i wanna thank you for putting up this website. i've been looking a site like this where i can download albums (specifically k-indie). recently, i've been attracted to k-indie and i was having problems looking for a specific single or album. but thanks to this, the links are always updated and the tracks are arranged! this website is already perfect. thank you!!

  2. I'm so glad I found you guys again! You guys do an amazing job of uploading the latest music. I love that you guys post all kinds of music too. I can always come to you to discover new music. Keep up the good work! ^^

  3. Thank you so much for this wonderful site! Your hard work is so appreciated by so many. I'd like to suggest/request that you include the instrumental versions that come with the singles and albums if it is at all possible. They take very little extra space, and we like them 🙂 Thanks!

  4. I really appreciate you uploading the releases from lots of different types of bands, what I like best about your site is dedication to those lesser known genres, indie, electronic, rock, etc. In the future, if time and resources permitting, please post more of those types of music. Through your site, I discovered Glen Check, Casker, eAeon, Electric Eels, Epitone Project, Vodka Rain, etc and I am glad I did.

    Looking forward to indie, hip hop, rock releases. Thank you!

  5. I love how dedicated this site is to sharing all ranges of korean music. I personally would like to see more indie releases, but I want you to know that I really appreciate your work. Also, I love how you share high-quality audio files. You guys are awesome and I hope you guys will keep going!

    In terms of site wise, I personally liked the old layout better with the cupcake banner, but I think if you could incorporate that in someway with a more seemless design, like perhaps something similar to a Windows 8 layout? Like for new releases, just showcase the album covers in squares then when users hover over it, it will show who's the artist, what album, release date, etc. (Hope that made sense) Otherwise…

    Thank you so much for your hard work and for existing!

  6. Hi, first of all I would like to thank you for uploading even the albums that aren't very popular to mainstream music fans. I love your compilations and I love how neat the website is. But I have a question. Where's the "Report Broken Link" page? I've searched high and low but all I found was the "Request" page. Please get back to me with the link. Thanks.

  7. I must thank you for this blog ^^

    I am discovering many wonderful artists,bands here that i could have missed without you!

    Thank you for your wonderful website and amazing work 😉

  8. Hey, first off I gotta say I love the site, always easy to navigate (and with the change even more so) and always has what I'm looking. I wanted to know though if you were going to continue posting music shows, since you didn't post up any this week (aside from Show Champion).

    Thanks for all your world

    • Alex, who is in charge of posting music shows, are out of town so there is no music shows link for this week. He will keep doing that as soon as he returns. FYI.

  9. Just found you guys today and I'm so glad I did! I'm into k-hip hop but it's really hard to find some releases because they're not as popular as the k-pop groups, but I found almost everything I was searching for here! You are really amazing ~ Keep the good work, you're doing amazing <3

  10. i just found this gorgeous website.. i really love k-indie and u know how hard to find their album. i'm so glad i found you which have the most of indie album i've been looking for. keep up the good work. i don't know how to express my grateful to you.please keep exist and i love you guys.
    ('im sorry for my bad grammar, english no my firs language) -____-v

  11. I just noticed that under Joo Won – Good Doctor OST Part.6, you put down "REAL 320kbps". Does that mean that all other releases are not real 320kbps?

    • I've seen many sites posted this in fake 320kbps by the time I uploaded it so I put the word REAL 'there' 😛 Sorry for the confusion.

  12. hello, do you need an uploader? I’m a student so that I have free time, and I know some music source can I become an uploader of your website ?

  13. thank you so much for DEUX!!!
    thanxxx for all the good musics!!!
    it’s truly amazing!!!
    thanx again for the heart and effort!!!
    please keep up all the good works!!!

    God bless!!!

  14. I really love that even old albums and singles of indie and hiphop artists are here! that’s why i love this site so much! but please don’t remove the instrumental tracks.

  15. Hi there! Found your site recently and it’s been such a pleasant discovery(: thanks for uploading all these awesome stuff here, you guys are greatly appreciated! Btw 2 Misty Blue album dl links don’t work ([Mini Album] 미스티 블루 – 1/4 Sentimental Con.Troller (봄의 언어) (2009) & [Mini Album] 미스티 블루 – 3/4 Sentimental Steady Seller – 가을의 용기 (2009) . And also Daybreak’s Urban Life Style album and Han Hee Jung’s Strangers Everyday album links don’t work:/ sorry for huge spam of words! Once again, thanks for sharing these links with us. You introduced me to many awesome artistes that I never knew^^

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